Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer is here

It's been a great and busy summer already. We just got back last Wednesday from an extra long weekend in NYC, then i was off again driving to my friend Jenanne's cottage on Saturday morning. I am beat. 28 hours of driving in total to NYC there and back and then another 4.5 hours of driving to and from Jenanne's cottage. And to top that i am not sleeping. I toss and turn all night. I will admit though that i had an amazing sleep at Jenanne's but i think the sangria we consummed during the day helped that. I started drinking coffee daily on the way to NYC July 8th and i think that may be my issue. I only ever drink coffee here and there and i find it's really affecting me when i drink it. I love the energy i get and don't seem to crash. I only have been having one a day in the mornings but i have been enjoying L and XL hot and iced varities with stevia and chocolate unsweetened almond milk...YUM! But today after another crappy sleep i am stopping to see if that's the culprit of my shitty sleeps. Sticking to green tea today which is my normal hot and iced beverage of choice. So here's hoping this works! I will keep you posted.
On another note i have decided to start a little 40 day challenge and i have picked some goals i want to complete within 40 days. Jenn Thiel author of the blog Smile with your Heart started doing them last October and is still going strong with them. She always has a reward for herself at the end too...doesn't have to be material. It can be anything:) I think it's a great way to keep yourself accountable and ensure that you get some goals/bucket list items done within a time line. It also takes about 21 days to make something a habit, so to really cement it why not 40 days? I am going to do mine alongside Jenn's which started July 11 and goes until August 19th, 2011. I have created a list of goals which i will add to the side of my blog i think they are listed at home in my journal.

I'm off to try a noon yoga class at Bodywise Yoga in Moncton. It's a Vinyasa class. My gym membership is now on hold so i am still trying to figure out which yoga studio i want to get a punch pass at.