Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy next few weeks

Hey all just wanted to let you know that in 2 and a half weeks i will be moving! We bought our first house together! Yah! So that being said i am warning you that my posts may be a little sporatic as i may not have much time to write! Even in this busy time i will be keeping up with my workouts and eating clean as much as i can. I don't think it will be too hard! Especially since i workout at lunch time! Saves so much time!

My new workout rocks so far...i haven't done a full body tri-set workout like that one in such a long time! It is really hard which is great. I find when doing tri-sets it's a lot of cardio too because you don't take a break after every exercise. One of my favourite things to do is the box jumps. Basically you pile an equal about of stepper lifts and then put the stepper on top you squat and jump up and then jump down into a squat! They are hard and really make you sweat!

Today i decided to step up my interval workout out and did 30 min instead of 20 and wow was it hard. I don't think i have talked about this interval workout yet...but i may have in a past post. But i will post it again so you don't have to look back:

5 min of running at a moderate pace (you can still hold a conversation)
90 sec of running at a harder pace (harder to hold a conversation)
30 sec of running very hard (can't hold a conversation)
90 sec of running at a harder pace
30 sec of running at a very hard pace
90 sec of running at a harder pace
30 sec of running at a very hard pace
90 sec of running at a harder pace
30 sec of running at a very hard pace
90 sec of running at a harder pace
30 sec of running at a very hard pace
5 min cool down at a moderate pace

Today after the 5 min cool down i repeated the intervals! I am trying to get my speed and endurance up for the Grande Digue 15 k, April 24th. I want to beat last years time of 1:22:58.

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