Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Running for Literacy

So even though i am not quite there running wise yet i decided i wanted to do an event this Sunday even though it's only 5k. I want to participate in an event and plan on being there to cheer on my friends Kendra and Jaclyn McCully. I want to stalk them around the course (after my 5k is done) to root them on and help motivated. They are doing the full marathon, which is the one i was supposed to do prior to my ankle issues. I am excited to be there for them and support them:) Love those ladies and i plan on convincing them to run the Hypothermic Half Marathon in February. Jessica Kennedy already plans on running so if we could get 2 more ladies on board that would be wonderful:) Although i did hate life last year during some of my slushy runs. So this year if it's slushy wet and cold i am going on the treadmill. I have what is known as Rayenoids disease in my little feetsies. Basically my circulation sucks and my feet don't get enough blood flow. They are always cold and will either be a nice color of purple and then flush to red as the blood finally gets through. Basically it's like i have frost bite! So you may be asking why i would even be running outside in the winter...well my body feels like it needs to run a half asap. It's antsy for it. And i do have some awesome wool socks that keep them warm and discovered that taping the inside of my shoes with duck tape keeps the warmth in. And i will just not run in slush ever and they'll be fine! I hope, lol.

On another front i have been lifting weights again and i am loving it. My love affair with iron is back. I took a hiatus from it this summer and was doing yoga and running for my workouts. I still love yoga and do it fridays but i needed to get back to lifting weights. And wow what a difference in my body already. I am loving the definition in my arms:) And feel really good and fit. I am also eating really clean lately and have been making at least one or two new recipes a week from Tosca Reno's cook book's, Eat clean magazine or the Eat clean diet website. Love it!

Alright this is all for now!!! I will keep you posted on how i made out Sunday. I am sick right now so i may be laying low until then. I was hoping to get in one more run before race day. So maybe it'll happen! My friend Breanna Flannagan is also doing the 5k so i imagine we'll be running a lot of the race together:)

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