Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Winter blahs circuits

I am still loving circuit training and it definately keeps workouts different and interesting. Tonight i did 4 different circuits 3 i made up and one is one of my fav's from Tone it up. The Beach bum workout, check it out here. So today i wanted to work on my plyo (something i am loving lately and it's helping making me stronger for my running), upper body, glutes and core! I will list the circuits in the order i did them but you can switch them around if you want or just pick a few that you want to do! All the cirucits took me an hr and 15 min.

Burn those lungs plyo
Do each move for 30 seconds and then take a 15 second break between moves. Complete cirucit 2 times for a quick plyo workout that takes about x minutes or more if you want a longer cardio workout

1. Run in place or around the area you are working out in
2. Squat jumps Go down into a squat position and explodejump up then land softly in a squat position and repeat. Make sure your knees stay in line with your ankles and don't go over your toes
3. Split jumps or jumping lunges Go down into the lunge position and jump up switching legs and go down into a lunge on the other side and repeat
4. Burpees Check out what they are here at the 5:19 mark
5. Ankle hops Balance on your toes and jump forward and back this move is great for runners as it strengthens your whole lower body as well as your ankles thus preventing injuries
6. Speed skaters 
8. Mountain climbers Check them out here at the 3:08 mark

Work those guns Repeat this circuit 3 times through

1. Medicine ball push up Have one hand up on a medicine ball and go down into a push up when you come back up roll it quickly over to the other side and go down into a push up again. Repeat 10-16 reps
2. Alternating bicep curl Your standard bicep curl complete 15-20 per side
3. Down dog shoulder push up If you don't know what that is check out this link at the 5:50 mark. Complete 15 reps
4. Dips on a bench or coffee table Complete 15 reps
5. Upright row If you don't know what this is check out this link at the 1:00 mark...but just do the shoulder part not the deadlift
6. Reverse fly Bent over with your knees slightly bent and raise weights out to sides in a fly position

Then i did the Beach bum is above!

Core shaker Repeat this circuit 3 times through

1. Stability ball ab tucks Click here and watch at the 3:37 mark15 reps
2. Stability ball roll out Check out what i mean here at the 3:00 mark. 15 reps
3. V-sit twist with medicine ball You can see what this is here. But use a medicine ball instead of a weight if possible. 15 reps each side so 30 in total
4. Upper ab crunch with medicine ball Lay on your back and put your legs straight up feet towards the ceiling hold medicine ball up and try to touch your toes. 15-20 reps
5. Medicine ball chops Not sure what this is check out here. 10-15 reps per side.

Try them out and let me know how you like them!

**Please note that i am not a personal trainer however i have many years experience working out. Perform the exercises listed above at your own risk. Please consult a physician prior to starting an exercise regime to ensure that you are physical fit to work out.**

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