Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Third trimester workout updates

Well at 33 weeks i am still feeling wonderful, have lots of energy and rarely have any back pain. I get it here and there but often found (after further investigation) it was after my 10 km runs. So after another physio session and another pelvic tilt exercise to add to my daily regime i decided to decrease my inclines for running and walking workouts as well as my distance and since then. WOW what a difference. My pelvis has felt much better with my max runs being 8km now. And thus less strain on other parts of my back too. So now i am doing 4, 6 and 8 km runs. I am so happy i am still good at 8. I will continue listening to my body and decreasing again if need be. I also found a new walking incline workout yesterday that i did last night. It was one i found for an intermediate/advanced women in her 3rd trimester. I however found some walks a little too slow so i sped them up and altered the workout to suit my fitness level at this time. It is more of walk/run incline workout and i felt great last night and still do today so i know i didn't over do it. My legs are actually pretty sore today from all those squats and lunges:)

Now let's touch on the importance of doing pelvic tilts during pregnancy especially your third trimester. Your pelvis is going through a lot of changes and the hormone relaxin is doing it's work to relax all the ligaments in this area to make room for baby to come out (don't worry everything goes back to the way it was before for most women). So pelvic tilts help ensure that your pelvis doesn't stiffen up due to all that extra weight on it from baby and it strengthen your abs and helps to prevent and soothe back aches. They also help encourage your baby to get in proper positioning for delivery head down and back towards your back. They also help ease delivery of your bundle of joy. So many pros and i know i have noticed a huge difference since i have started incorporating them.

Here are the ones i do before and after every workout:

Pelvic tilts with back against a wall so my arms wouldn't be up like this picture. Repeat 10 x

Pelvic tilt with hands on wall: Stand a few feet out from the wall and lean forward and put hands on wall at shoulder height. Keep legs hip distance apart and knees slightly bent then tilt your pelvis much like picture above. Repeat this move 10 x

Cat cow yoga pose: Start on all fours in a neutral position with your back push your belly down with head up and bum up like a cow then arch your back up much like a scared cat would do and go back and forth between these movements 20 x

Pelvic tilts while seated: sit with both feet firmly planted on the ground and place hand on one leg and push down as you try to lift up. This is essentially a pelvic tilt only on the side you are doing it on. Repeat on both sides 10 x. You can also push down opposite leg and push it down with your hand as well which also works the other side in another way. Repeat 10 x. I only do this one for my left side as thats where i seem to have the issue. This exercise was given to me from my physio Heidi.

32 weeks and 6 days

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