Sunday, May 30, 2010

Renewed love for running

From left: Me, my mom Jane and her best running buddy Alyssa
Today i ran the 10km Run for memories with my mom. It was her first 10km race and she kicked ass! I am very proud of her for getting into running and into the racing spirit. Races always seem to rev me up and spur me on. And that's just what today did...i had taken a little hiatus from running since my half marathon...i needed that break after 3 half marathons in a row. And now after this 10km race behind me i have a new love and goal for running again.

This summer i want to work on my speed work to get my time better. I run an average of 5:30 min/km right now and would like to decrease that to an average 5:15 is that too ambitious? Maybe? And i think for the time being i will stick with 10km races max and get my overall finishing time cut by 4 min-ish. Today i finished the 10km in 1hr and 23 secs...but turns out it was really 10.98km on many people's garmin's! So that's preety good especially after my hiatus since Feb 14, 2010.

Yah road races and summer running:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Change of heart

It's funny how i can be sometimes i was all excited last week about bulking up and gearing up for the competition. But after really thinking it through i have decided that i don't want to pursue it. #1 it would cost me soooo much and already was with supplements and food #2 it is REALLY boring and probably not too healthy to eat the same thing every day #3 my body type is long and lean it would take a lot to bulk up enough to even compete in figure model #4 after much thought and debate i just want to be lean and in shape and toned not muscular #5 prepping for it was kind of going against what i am all about eating clean and a variety of foods, yes the diet i was on was still very clean there was no variety and i even had started taking creatine...which occurs naturally but is processed.

I am thinking that i will even stop talking the BCAA's and glutamine while those supplements also occur naturally they are made to help you build and repair your muscle. I think i'd rather rely on food for that. Although i still love the CLA and how it makes me i may still take that...we'll see...i'm not totally perfect and 100% clean. While i do believe in eating clean as much as possible there is still room for indulging and not feeling guilty about it. I find if i treat myself every now and then and try to make my treats home made and healthier i am a lot happier. I don't like feeling deprived. It's not a good feeling and then i find a binge majorly on unhealthy foods, even worse in my mind. So in my friend Jenanne's words (also a workout/health nut like myself) "If i want a damn cookie, i am going to eat it".
Nicole Costa, June Oxygen's covergirl

Now for my workouts they will be changing a fair amount. I think i am going to go back to more full body workouts...i will still weight train just not nearly as intense. I already figured out my workout tonight and i am very excited about it. It's a full body circuit. So i will do it all once, rest and repeat 2 more times. I will admit i didn't create it myself. I got it out of June's Oxygen magazine which i just got in the mail yesterday. I will post it within the next few days and let you know how i am enjoying it!
Jamie Eason demonstrating a stiff legged dead lift

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bulking up

So i am really having issues updating this at least once a week lately! Sorry to all my followers. I am currently gearing up for my first fitness show in November where i will be competing in the Figure Model tall class! I am getting very excited about it. I have also found myself a trainer/coach/meal planner, Heather Leblanc. Heather has a great resume and has learned lot's over the years. She used to be about 40 odd pounds over weight and with the help of her trainer, now husband, Jean Leblanc she was able to transform her body. And she looks great:) She now helps train others whether or be to lose weight, prepare for a show etc.

I am going over to her house tonight to get my bulk up meal plan. I am too tiny muscle wise to compete, even if i did shred right now. So she is putting me on a bulk up meal plan and then in 5 weeks i will get my first program from her to start bulking me up. She said to continue with my current program and just up the use the heaviest weight i can for 3 sets 8 reps each. I can't wait to see what my meal plan will be like! Who wouldn't want to eat more food and protein! Yah!

That is all for now! I will keep you posted on my progress and my journey:)