Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Change of heart

It's funny how i can be sometimes i was all excited last week about bulking up and gearing up for the competition. But after really thinking it through i have decided that i don't want to pursue it. #1 it would cost me soooo much and already was with supplements and food #2 it is REALLY boring and probably not too healthy to eat the same thing every day #3 my body type is long and lean it would take a lot to bulk up enough to even compete in figure model #4 after much thought and debate i just want to be lean and in shape and toned not muscular #5 prepping for it was kind of going against what i am all about eating clean and a variety of foods, yes the diet i was on was still very clean there was no variety and i even had started taking creatine...which occurs naturally but is processed.

I am thinking that i will even stop talking the BCAA's and glutamine while those supplements also occur naturally they are made to help you build and repair your muscle. I think i'd rather rely on food for that. Although i still love the CLA and how it makes me i may still take that...we'll see...i'm not totally perfect and 100% clean. While i do believe in eating clean as much as possible there is still room for indulging and not feeling guilty about it. I find if i treat myself every now and then and try to make my treats home made and healthier i am a lot happier. I don't like feeling deprived. It's not a good feeling and then i find a binge majorly on unhealthy foods, even worse in my mind. So in my friend Jenanne's words (also a workout/health nut like myself) "If i want a damn cookie, i am going to eat it".
Nicole Costa, June Oxygen's covergirl

Now for my workouts they will be changing a fair amount. I think i am going to go back to more full body workouts...i will still weight train just not nearly as intense. I already figured out my workout tonight and i am very excited about it. It's a full body circuit. So i will do it all once, rest and repeat 2 more times. I will admit i didn't create it myself. I got it out of June's Oxygen magazine which i just got in the mail yesterday. I will post it within the next few days and let you know how i am enjoying it!
Jamie Eason demonstrating a stiff legged dead lift

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