Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring into Bikini Season

I just LOVE the Tone it up girls. They officially launched their Spring into Bikini series on the first day of Spring, Monday March 21st. The series will last 8 weeks and will have workouts, giveaways, health tips and motivation!!! Their first challenge is to post everyday what your workout is on Facebook, or post recipes etc anything to inspire. You can sign up here if you are interested. I did!! It's fun exciting and keeps you accountable and motivated!

I started with their first challenge to get up 30 min earl everyday to get in a little workout before you eat to start that metabolism and get that body moving. You can do yoga, an ab workout, go for a walk a run anything! I only started to get my ass in gear yesterday and started with some yoga from Tara Stiles You tube channel. She is great! I heard about her through Tone It Up as well. This morning i did a short yoga workout and then a Tone it up ab circuit. I have been doing a lot of their workouts lately to change up my routine and they are a ball!!! The girls are sweethearts and so random and funny! Love random-ness!

I really hope you will check these awesome ladies out and join the SPRING INTO BIKINI Challenge. Come on what do you have to lose?

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