Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well it's been a weird past few weeks for me. I feel like my body and mind have been through a lot which resulted in me getting sick Sunday. Started with a sore throat as soon as i woke up and continued throughout the day. I had no energy. My body was forcing me to slow down something i am learning to do as well as listen to my body. I have been reading a blog called Smile with your heart by Jenn Thiel since last week. My good friend Kendra introduced her to me. She had told me about her many times before and i never really took the time to look. And wow i am amazed by this inpsiring Vancouver woman with a zest for life, travelling, yoga, running and the great outdoors.

Random bridge and platform on the path by the river by my house
Since Friday i really have been working on me, i created my first vision board. So cool. You have to try to it if you haven't basically get some bristol board, scissors, some old magazines and glue and make a collage of what inspires you, your goals, things on your bucket list etc. I do recommend sitting down and making some goals for yourself as well as i bucket list before even starting on the vision board. Then things will just come pouring out to you. It's therapeutic to create one. I am not totally done mine yet. Still a few things to add. One of my main goals was to learn to meditate to help with my anxiety and to help quiet and slow down my mind. I have started already and wow i notice i difference already. I downloaded some guided meditation podcasts for FREE through itunes. How cool is that?

Petticodiac River aka Chocolate River by my house
Pretty lupins
I feel like i have grown and changed so much over the last week it blows my mind. I feel more positive, inspired, driven and happy for what i have. I feel like i appreciate nature more and more the more i get out there and just look around me. I have been so addicted to facebook and twitter lately that i haven't even been really looking around me and appreciating whats there on my walks with Laila. That was another goal of mine to really decrease my online time especially checking facebook and twitter ever 30 min that is TOO MUCH. My body has been craving to disconnect and recharge and i'm finally listening...since Sunday i have only been on facebook and twitter about twice a day! That is CRAZY for me...i don't even want to go on. I want to enjoy what is happening around me and be involved in the conversations and life! My psych said months ago that i need to decrease how much time i am spending online. And i did for awhile and then just stopped and it increased again. Constantly feeling the need to be connected and check email, facebook, twitter etc was in fact making me more anxious and it was stimulating my brain so much that it was hindering my sleep even more as if i didn't already have enough sleep issues:)

Alright that's enough for today:) Hope you all had a great day. Get out and enjoy the fresh air and the sun...i just did:) Had a great relaxing walk with Miss Laila bum! I will talk about my goals/bucket list in a post to come. 

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