Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learning the art of patience

"Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success."
-Brian Adams

I get  an awesome dose on inspiration through The Daily Love emails in my inbox every morning (along with Smile With your Heart) and today the quote above was in The Daily Love email and it really resonated with me. Patience is something i struggle with and something i am working on to improve my mental health. Gotta work out your mind and make it healthy just like your body. It isn't healthy to feel impatient with people and in turn becoming annoyed or frustrated with their behaviour. The person in question is not forcing me to become impatient with them i am choosing to act this way. I am responsible for my actions and the responses i have to people's behaviour and i am choosing to practice patience.

Impatience drags you down and brings on a sleu of negative feelings that bring your mood down. Something i have suffered a lot from over the years. Why am i letting myself be pulled into this negative thinking and then letting my head spin around it and eventually becoming anxious over it? Just seems silly now that i realize i choose to act this way. I am working a lot lately on becoming healthier mentally i want to beable to control this and not let myself get worked up over the small stuff. It's coming slowly but surely. I find yoga and meditating help me a lot mentally. I challenge you to try a yoga class out at your local yoga studio if you haven't yet. You would regret it. As for meditating i simply downloaded some free guided podcasts on iTunes!

Whenever i get impatient i start to take some very deep breaths and imagine myself pushing the impatient thoughts from my head. There is no room in there for that crap! Get it out. And i keep telling myself that i am choosing not to let another person's behaviour get to me.

We are all in a rush these days and find ourselves getting impatient with a slow cashier, someone walking slow, driving slow etc...Jenn Thiel of Smile with your Heart made an amazing point in one of her past blogs, in these kinds of sitations we need to thank the universe for testing our patience and helping us to practice this. What a great positive way of looking at it! So thanks universe for helping me practice lot's lately:) It's getting better with all this practice one day i won't even have to think about it anymore and the little silly things won't get me down anymore!

With my blog growing and changing with me i am thinking i need a new name. "Buff to the bone" just doesn't cut it anymore as i am focusing on healthy minds now as well as physical health. Any ideas? Suggestions? I am going to be brainstorming!

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I am off to hike in Fundy again tomorrow CANT WAIT. I love it there. My pass is good until next June, i want to get snowshoes and check it out in the winter...i hear it's amazing:)

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