Sunday, January 31, 2010

The importance of weight training for women

Well it's been awhile since my last post so here is the much awaited post! Today i want to talk about weight training! Yah! One of my fav ways to work out too. I see many women daily at Nubody's downtown Moncton rotating between the cardio machines. I watch and see if they ever go to do weights and no dice. Some of these ladies are what i call cardio junkies. Don't get me wrong cardio is great and much needed. But in my opinion it shouldn't be the only thing you do! 

Girls don't be afraid to pick up those weights! Have you ever wondered why guys have faster metabolisms than us? Well it's because they have more muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you are going to burn on a daily basis! It's science. And no you won't bulk up like a man from picking up those weights, and PLEASE don't shy away from progressing to heavy weights! They are your friends!

I have been weight training for about 5 years now and i love it. I look forward to the gym and lifting those weights. It makes you feel so empowered to lift those weights and show those guys that you are just as tough! There are varying types of programs you can do weight training wise. You can do a full body workout 3-4 times a week which will give you long and lean muscles which tends to be what makes women hot and noticed these days. Then there is training each body part once or twice a week for more defined and shapely muscles. It just all depends on what kind of look you are going for. For example i do biceps, triceps and abs Mondays, running and shoulders Tuesdays, chest back and abs on Wednesdays, just running on Thursdays, yoga and abs on Fridays and long runs on Sundays. I also do spinning once a week but the day varies...Mondays or Saturdays are what i have been doing lately, however for now i am taking my day off Saturday. I love my current program! I never seem to get bored as i am always doing something different everyday. BUT that being said you shouldn't do a program anymore than 4-6 weeks or you will plateau. Plateau-ing means that you stop seeing results and you get bored! Variety is the spice of life! You have to keep working out fun to keep you motivated.

I had a trainer for the first few years of working out however i am now just making my own programs. I get my ideas from old programs and from Oxygen magazine. I definatley recommend subscribing to it if you are a woman and serious about getting in shape and learning how to lift weights properly so you don't injure yourself! Form is very important and never forget that. Injuries can be very discouraging and throw you off track, however you must make sure you rest lot's and load up on protein and glutamine when they occur!

Alright that is all for today! I will write again in a few days! Let me know if there is anything you want to learn more about.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Given'er a little too hard i think

I think it's time for me to smarten up here. I get a little too crazy about working out sometimes and enjoy it so much i forget to take that much needed day off. I just keep going and going and going. I love it i feel great and then i start to crash which is what i think is happening today. I went to spinning with Jen this morning and they stayed after to work out my abs. I came home had a snack of 12 almonds (a serving) and a fruit bar, showered and then was soooo exhausted i passed out for an hour. I didn't want to get up at all...i just wanted to sleep and relax. I wasn't even going to listen to my body...but it was really telling me that it needed to sleep and relax and that i need to start taking a day off!

It's funny how every now and then i do this and crash and never seem to learn...i think it sneaks up on me and i don't think or realize what i am doing to my body (which i should. I have done enough reading to know that my muscles need a day off to relax and recuperate and grow!). Now to decide what day of the week to take off. I am thinking of saturdays and taking that as my day to sleep in! I haven't slept in in so long. I am always up bright and early on Sunday mornings for practice with the running room (18 k tomorrow). I am training for a half marathon so i don't feel like i can miss that big of a run (it's coming up fast feb 14th!!!). So it's i take a day off before then? or just wait until next Saturday? Problem is i feel so guilty taking those days off...but i have to listen to my body and just make myself!!! Saturday workouts are great though...i feel like i can spend as long as i want at the gym as i get there early enough. During the week i go at lunch, so workouts can be a tad rushed at times. But i am so used to working out at lunch i wonder what i would do if i wasn't working will i kill the time? Maybe that would be the day to lunch with the girls??? But then i would be spending MORE money...yuck! Ha ha dilemmas, dilemmas!

I got a nice email on FB (facebook) from my cousin Carrie this morning. She is also my age and has always been a kick ass athlete but it wasn't until eating clean and kicking it up a notch working out wise that she really started to see results (Go Carrie!!!). I actually didn't realize she was on the clean eating train too!!! She lives in Vancouver with her hubby Brad, her sister Jenny (my cousin) also lives out there too. So i don't get to see them enough at all! Sad. She was asking if i had a tough time with my boyfriend getting frustrated with my clean eating. And yes i do....he thinks i obsess too much at times (Carrie's hubby thinks the same of her). It really can be tough at times when you eat clean and workout a lot...there will always be people who judge you about it and give you a hard time. While i love them my mom and sis have said before (actually numerous times) that i should tone down the working out because i was getting to muscular (and would say that i need to treat myself more). It gets annoying when you are criticized for doing something healthy and something you love. I love eating clean and i love being in shape and having definition. It's not a bad thing to be addicted too! I am healthy and have lot's of energy (when i take those much needed days off). Do any of you have a tough time dealing with family members or friends about your health choices?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Almost the end of my eat super clean month

It's hard to believe that a mere month ago i was still eating very healthy but eating tons of sweets and enjoying a glass too many of wine or beer. I kind of let myself go a bit during the month of December because it's so hard not too...i enjoyed it but i think i am permantley sick of chocolate, cookies and even booze. Usually when i try to eat super clean and not cheat at all it only lasts about 2 weeks before i give in and have that yummy piece or bar of chocolate. I am human too and i am not always perfect!!! My favourite treat is peanut butter cups...but i am not even craving that! Crazy. I don't miss any of it. I think it helped that i felt pretty gross after eating and drinking so much! I have a ton more energy during this little detox from booze! I am wonder how long it will last though. I will keep you all posted for sure!

It's crazy how much research i have been doing since i started this blog it's all i want to read about all the time! i just finished reading Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You" it was pretty good. It was a lot of theory and information and has a 30 day eating and workout plan. It's aimed for those who are looking to lose that last 10-20 lbs. It sounds and looks like a good solid plan. I just bought it because i wanted to find out more about what Jillian is about. While she also raves about eating clean she does suggest a few processed items which seems a tad contradicting. As part of one of the three eating plans she suggests 1 packet quaker weight control instant oatmeal. SOOOOO bad for you. It's super processed and full of sugar. Yes they tried to make it healthier with 6 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein (for the banana variety) it's going to leave you feeling pretty hungry within an hour. They aren't whole oats at all...they have to be pretty processed to cook as fast as they do. I recommend Our compliments organic quick oats. Which i will admit is still a tad processed as they do have to cut the oats. She also suggests Raisin Bran which does have a lot of fiber (7 grams) but the raisins are COVERED in sugar, the whole cereal has a whopping 19 grams of sugar. However other than that it is all very healthy and clean eating plans.

Jillian believes in eating for your metabolic type. There are 3 types:
Slow oxidizer-Require a higher percentage of carbs than fat and protein to help them lose weight and to feel energized physically and mentally.
Balanced oxidizer-Require an equal percentage of carbs, fat and protein and have the capacity to do well on the widest range of foods
Fast oxidizer-Require a high percentage of protein and fat than of carbs. They need to have protein in every meal including snacks.

She includes a quiz to find out which you are...only problem with the quiz is that it is aimed for people who still eat crappy at times, aka fast food, which i stay far away from. I stopped in 2005 and only have had it twice since then and wow did i feel terrible after. Why and how do people eat that regularily? I don't get it. I think it should be banned there is no nutritional value whatsoever. There are so many other healthy fast foods out there. It makes my cringe when i see parents bring their kids there. There are so many other options stop being lazy!!! Yes i feel strongly about this. But hey just my opinion.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yummy Carrot cake protein bars

I just made Jamie Eason's recipe tonight and wow they are amazing and a great way to get protein in a different tasty way!!! Here's the recipe. Enjoy:)

Protein Carrot bars

Non-fat no-stick spray
1 cup oat flour (ground oatmeal found in the health section of your grocery store)
2 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp allspice (optional – more like spice cake)
3 egg whites
¾ cup Splenda
½ cup fat free Ricotta cheese
2  4 oz. jars or packs of baby carrots (instead of shredded carrots)
2 scoops vanilla whey protein (look for a low sugar, low fat and low carb variety)
1 cup quick cooking oats (optional for added carbs and energy)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray an  8 x 8 pyrex dish with non-stick butter spray.
In a large bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, protein powder and nutmeg.
In a medium bowl, mix egg whites, Splenda, ricotta and baby food until well combined. 
Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture and mix well. 
Finally, fold in the quick cooking oats (optional) and stir until just combined.
Pour batter into the pyrex dish and spread evenly. 
Bake 28 - 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. 
Let cool and cut into 16 pieces – 4 x 4.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What i had for breakfast

Just wanted to share my awesome recipe for protein packed pancakes.

1/3 cup whole oats
3 egg whites
2 tbls of natural peanut butter
a pinch of organic cane sugar (to taste)
a few sprinkles of cinnamon

-Mix it all together so it's blended well.
-Cook in a frying pan sprayed with olive oil spray
-Top with non-sweetened apple sauce and enjoy!!!


If anyone wants the calorie information i can look it up. This is a recipe i got from one of my oxygen magazines!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday morning yoga

Ahhhh. What a great yoga practice at Lululemon this morning. It was a twisting yoga practice with Krista Watters from 108 Yoga just off of Spring Garden in Halifax. While the store was very crowded with yogi's us girls are still feeling the great affects. My friend Jenn Cooper was a virgin to yoga so i was glad to get her there and into it, although she did get attacked by the tree in the store (yes it was that crowded). I think her and Erin Wood will continue to hit up the free classes. Who can say no to a free class? And there is fruit after to enjoy:) I wish i had the same opportunity here in Moncton. We need a Lululemon here!

In my opinion yoga pairs very well with weight training and especially running. It is a better workout than most think it stretches you out and helps tone your muscles even more at the same time! Other benefits include less stress and more energy to name a few. I truly recommend it for those who haven't tried it yet. While i only do it once a week at my gym nubody's i wish i was able to do it more. I have a few dvd's but i much prefer the classes for some reason. Which is weird because for the rest of my training i rather do it as an individual.

Equipped with my new yoga mat bag and zip up hoodie i think i will have to make myself go more! But where to find the time. While i love yoga and the benefits i don't want to miss running or weight training to do it. I love those just as much!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My supplements have arrived

Now don't worry they are natural supplements that can be found in food but i decided to give the pills a try. I am now taking BCAA (Brand Chain Amino Acids)** and Glutamine***. They aid in muscle recovery and in building muscle. After my favourite fitness model Jamie Eason said that they were supplements she uses i decided to give them a try. She is one smoking lady! She has tons of definition but not too much! Just the right amount. She is my goal! Maybe i will get there some day...but getting that defined is a lot of work. I already spend hours working out. Here's my workout schedule right now. Mon and Wed i do a full body plyometrics* type workout. Tue and Thur is running and abs (i am training for the hypothermic half marathon Feb 14th, mere weeks away) Friday is yoga. I usually take saturday off but lately i have been doing a spin class and then abs. Spinning is active recovery for my half marathon training. Sundays are my long runs. I am going to be switching it up soon though. I like to change it up every 4-6 weeks so i don't get's only been 4 weeks on this program and i am bored already. I think i need to get back to working out each body part once a week. I like to through a plyometrics workout in every so often though just to keep my body guessing. You always want to keep it guessing or you will plateau.

*Plyometrics- Basically using a lot of your own body weight and doing the exercises as fast as you can. So it's a lot of cardio at the same time.
**BCAA- Aids in repair, growth, and development of muscle tissue.
***Glutamine-Is important in keeping your muscles building--not deteriorating

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Off to Halifax for the weekend

I can't wait for a great girls weekend of shopping and catching up. I am going to spend the weekend with my university girls. I am very excited to hit up Lululemon and use the gift certificate that my boyfriend Shannon's mom gave me for my birthday. I have been trying to get to Halifax for 3 months now to use it. Lululemon is great workout wear and lasts forever. I was first introduced by my friend Annya 5 or 6 years ago while in Calgary for my West Jet training. I kind of wish it wasn't so popular but their stuff seriously makes anyone look hot while they sweat it up! I will definatley post a pic of me modelling my purchase!

I have also convinced my girls to hit up the free yoga session at 1030 am on Sunday at the store. Gotta love FREE yoga! I am hoping it's good and worth the time:) Then it's brunch afterwards at Cora's yah for fruit! I eat so much cures those sugar cravings! I haven't really had any though since i did indulge over the holiday season and may have eaten too many sweets! But hey you can't be perfect all the time...and remember everything in moderation. Yes i eat clean but i do treat myself. Treating yourself is key to success. Otherwise you binge which just leaves you feeling gross and guilty which aren't fun feelings. I normally go by the rule of one or two cheat meals or snacks a week. However i have been very good the last 2 weeks doing a little detox. I haven't had any cheat meals or drank any alcohol. Janurary is normally my detox from alcohol month...just because i end up having a few too many glasses over the holidays. my friend Jenanne does it too. It really makes you feel great!

Alright that is all for now. I don't want to make these too long. I need to keep your attention so you keep reading! Stayed tuned for my Lululemon purchases and the review of the free Lulu yoga class!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My first post

Wow. I'm nervous about this! This is my first time blogging. My coworker Denis has been after me this week to create my own fitness/nutrition blog. My passion is working out and eating clean and after daily advice for the past year on working out and eating right he is in great shape a year later (congrats on keeping on your 2009 New Years resolution! Yes i am tooting my own horn! But i am proud of myself and proud that my advice worked.

Basically in my blog i will talk all about working out and eating clean. Anyone who knows me know how obsessed i am with working out and eating right. So why not resort to blogging to talk about it even more.

I also want to get some debates going and answer questions as best as i know with my knowledge (i have done tons of research over the years). I wasn't always into working out. My obssesion started in 2005 when i decided i didn't like my body after 4 years of boozing at university and not eating right. So with the help of Jenanne and her advice i got fit and i feel great. I find you always need that person when you first start out. That person who motivates you and helps you out and gives you advice on what has worked for them. It can be very overwhelming when you start working out so many machines and exercises, where to start? I hope that this blog will help you start or continue working out as that's my goal in all this to motivate people as much as i can without being pushy! Which i can be at times!
