Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My first post

Wow. I'm nervous about this! This is my first time blogging. My coworker Denis has been after me this week to create my own fitness/nutrition blog. My passion is working out and eating clean and after daily advice for the past year on working out and eating right he is in great shape a year later (congrats on keeping on your 2009 New Years resolution! Yes i am tooting my own horn! But i am proud of myself and proud that my advice worked.

Basically in my blog i will talk all about working out and eating clean. Anyone who knows me know how obsessed i am with working out and eating right. So why not resort to blogging to talk about it even more.

I also want to get some debates going and answer questions as best as i know with my knowledge (i have done tons of research over the years). I wasn't always into working out. My obssesion started in 2005 when i decided i didn't like my body after 4 years of boozing at university and not eating right. So with the help of Jenanne and her advice i got fit and i feel great. I find you always need that person when you first start out. That person who motivates you and helps you out and gives you advice on what has worked for them. It can be very overwhelming when you start working out so many machines and exercises, where to start? I hope that this blog will help you start or continue working out as that's my goal in all this to motivate people as much as i can without being pushy! Which i can be at times!



  1. Yes it's true! Amy did help me get to the greatest fitness level in my life. Thanks Amy! What really did help was the tips on eating right, what exercises I should do in the gym, reminders not to eat cake when the office had some out, and just always asking me if I'm still on track. I hope that followers of this blog will enage in daily discussions and get feedabck from Amy to help you stay on track. What ever works to keep fitness "top of mind" is what got me to my goal! I look forward to your posts Amy. Congrats!

  2. have to follow me too! Lol. COME ON. You convinced me to do this!
